Monday, May 3, 2010

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself…

It’s tough when you reach a point in your life and realize where you are at, what you have achieved, and how much still needs to be achieved. A lot of pressure we experience comes from our up bringing. Once you walk out of the high school doors and enter the tertiary education, everything changes for you.

Decisions have to be made that only you, not a friend or family member can make for you. This decision is crucial because this is where you actually determine what is it you want to aspire to and make it apart of your life… or at least that is what most people think in fact. So take a few steps back and look at what where you are right now in your life, and ask yourself “is there where I want to be for the rest of my life?”

I look at a lot at my friends who were on school with me and see how much they’ve achieved in life, and you wonder to yourself… am I the typical drop out who didn’t follow and study accordingly because I felt that what I was studying at the time wasn’t really my passion? There are two solutions to this question… one, realize where you are in life and how to move forward; or lie to yourself by telling yourself you rather want to study for the rest of your life and not face the reality of where you are and where you would like to be?

Many people around us lie to other people, but most importantly they lie to themselves. It’s like hanging with a rich and famous crowed; thinking they will always pay for bill at the end of a meal, or telling everyone you have so many businesses running when actually you have none, it’s all cheap talk and no show.

I’ve realized the sooner you know what it is you want in life and how you are going to get it, the easier it is to get where you want be, because things like being confused or stuck no longer feature, it is the now and your future determined by the now. So what you waiting for, lets go out there and show the world our world and let’s earn it, the honourable and rightful way. Don’t cheat life, because you never know when life might decide to cheat you… Karma is a bitch, so be aware of what you put out into the universe.

Until next time… chow bela 

1 comment:

  1. We should face the issues and challenges that we come across in our daily lives instead of living a lie and pretending that they don't exist. If we don’t, soon enough these lies will catch up with us.
