Friday, May 21, 2010

Why Do people snorkel and not use tissues?

I don't understand my fellow humans, but I would like to know why do people snorkel in computer labs or just in public generally. Ooh I can' stand it, it's really super irritating I must tell you.

For those who don't know what it means, here's a definition for you: Its when people are too lazy to get a tissue to blow there noses, then the next best thing left for them to do it... snorkel it straight-up there nostrils and swallow.

It's the most disgusting thing to human kind that even if my best friend had to do it, I would never look at him/her in the same light again! Where is your manners or at least respect for the other person sitting right next you!

If you're wondering why I'm speaking about it, its because I had my fair share of snorkeling experiences thing morning in the computer lab. And the worst part is, you want to help them and offer a tissue... there response... 'No thank you!'. AAAAArrrrrrr, just makes me want to scream.

I mean there's a sea where its actually allowed to go snorkeling, why don't you just do it there. Or if you do have sinuses problems, swim in the sea. According to doctors salt water clears your sinuses for you.

I really think we need to clamp down on people who snorkel and start teaching them manners, or something of that sort.

Very disturbed and perturbed signing out!:(


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have to agree, snorkeling is just irritating. I always ask myself why a person can’t just get up if they don’t have any tissues and get toilet paper in the bathroom if they want to blow their nose. I have noticed that snorkeling is more common amongst men though.
