Sunday, October 31, 2010

Why I have conversations?

Why do people in general have conversations? Firstly I think people have conversations as its part of communication and meeting new people. It’s a form of networking and learning from new peoples experiences every day.

Why do I like making conversations? I believe conversations are a stimulus that is necessary and healthy. I love meeting new and interesting people, because I thrive knowing and learning new things, moreover obtaining new information that would be benefit me and vice versa. I would then receive this information and share it with the rest of my friends so that they too can be inspired.

Sometimes I just feel like helping others out without taking anything from them in return. I love listening to people’s life stories; as everyone is different and unique, hence have different stories to tell.

Without conversations, what would the world be like... silence, isolation and eventually people would commit to suicide for being alone, because as human beings it is our will and nature to converse with each other.

Social media has become home to many people who are introverts and are just seeking to talk to someone or to voice their opinions, and that is a good aspect of social media. The only downfall with social media is that people become entrapped and forget how to have normal face-to-face conversations; therefore its always necessary to maintain healthy relationships and conversations on and off line, hence maintaining a balance.

Until Next Time... Chow Bella :)

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