Monday, April 19, 2010

NOt all who wonder are lost!

I think people who have dreams, have a vision, a future, the only thing standing in that person’s way is ones perseverance. The world we live is beautiful, yet cruel and vindictive. One minute you on the right path, the next temptation drags you into a nasty situation and you back to square one. If you dream a lot of the way you set your life out to be, you should go for it 100% in it. No looking back, because its when you look back you either feel sorry for other people, decide to hold back on your dreams, and what happens… you become sucked into old and bad hobbits of procrastination as you will always wonder ‘is this the right time for me to go’ or ‘will I ever experience life the way I want it to?’. This is the point where all dreams become lost and float around waiting for you to make up your mind.

I’m sure we as students feel this way as well. We back and forth battling what it is we want in life. On the one hand you have your future perfectly planned out and structured, yet that bit of confidence in you still remains dormant within you.

Not long ago I applied for a job. I was all confident of myself until I arrived at the appointment as saw all the competition I was up against. Immediately, my shoulders began to shudder, and my legs went into this jolt and my palms started sweating. Then I sat down and waited patiently for my turn. At this point the weirdest things went through my mind like ‘maybe I should skip this for another time’ or ‘how could I possibly make it through this interview’.

Outcome, when I went it was my turn; I could hardly say a word. I pumped negative thoughts into my brain and those negative thoughts manifested in my interview… and I didn’t get the job.

Now that I look back at the experience, I now know what its like to actually see the competition you’re up against. It was learning curve for me to practice and work on my insecurities I have within myself. I could’ve just decided to swamped myself and blame myself for being stupid and always living in the past, or I could take the experience and use it to my advantage next time.

By dreaming big you need to persevere and continue until you’ve reached your goal in life.

Until next time… chow Bela ☺

1 comment:

  1. Yep, its true Mish we all need to dream big as the sky is the limit. There are endless possibilities, but we just need to persevere in order to reach our goals.
    We will reap the rewards in the end.
