Friday, March 19, 2010


We are what we do forms an important part of who we are and how we choose to express ourselves. End of the day everything and anything you do on earth, has its positive or negative outcomes, and its all part of your learning experience. The best thing to always do- never have regrets or else you’ll always wonder.

Let’s take today. I’m at varsity today doing my work for the week, because I need to do it because if I don’t do it, I am likely to fail my B-Tech Course. This is part of what I’m about, setting goals and reaping the reaping that benefits. I want to succeed and I will succeed by having the correct approach. That is, loving what I do, and doing it to the best of my ability. Yes, it’s tough out there in the real business world, and you sometimes need that kick in you bum-cheeks (bum) just to remind yourself what it is you came to do and finish it on a good note.

If you want to achieve goals in life, do it because you have the passion to achieve it and not because someone else thinks it might suit your personality. You always have a final say when it comes to your life and living up to your expectations, and not others.

We live in a vicious world and people aren’t going to look out for you one day when you look for a job, you have to look out for yourself. I always try to assist and give my guidance to the best of my ability, and that way I feel I give back to life through my experiences.

It’s all about me, you and what we do and what we think is the right way. The tricky part is always try strive for what it is you want out of life, but also be aware of not allowing money and power to suck you in too deep. If you have a passion, money won’t ever be the highlight of the day, but rather what a good day you had because you are doing what you are passionate about.

It hard to believe but there are people out there who think money is the route to everything but it is not. When you wake up one day and you bank account is maxed out or your bank went bankrupted, what are you left with… nothing! I truly believe it’s harder to come out of a situation where you were rich and wealthy and looked down on your friends and family who are not as fortunate as you are, and bam, you loose all your riches due to a risk you took out of greed. Your house gets repossessed, your car gets taken away, and all you left with is yourself. You have worked so hard for everything you have, but because you actions and attitude towards others were not true, and you allowed yourself to be consumed by money, God gives you that wake up call.

Whoever you are in this world, always remember we are all humans, we are all the same, just we come in different colours, cultural backgrounds, societies, and that we all need each other in life, so make sure you approach your goals the right way.
In order to say ‘We are what we do’ is a true acknowledgement of ourselves and that it’s never too late to change or be that someone you always wanted to be!

1 comment:

  1. Yes we are truly what we do and this is reflected everyday through our actions. It is very important to look at the way we treat other people as it reflects the kind of person you are.
