Friday, March 12, 2010

Feeling Trapped!!!

I think many of students who are still dependant on their folks feel this way... trapped, no where to go, stuck in a space where you don't want to be because financially, you are not able to fend for yourself. It's especially hard when you are brought up in a staunch household, where you feel obligated to do what they say, study what they tell you to study because you don't have funding; and they keep a watch of every turn and every decision you make in life, judging you every step of the way.

Since I've started studying, my passion was always to do something in the creative field, be it writing, design, things where you are able to do things for yourself without being dependant on a qualification. My folks wanted me to go into the business field, so I ended up studying Public Relations Management, after chopping and changing from one institution to the next, until I finally reached CPUT. This is where I began to structure my life in terms of how I could incorporate my field of study(public relations) and apply it to my creative side. I completed my Diploma but due to a rough 2009, I decided to complete my degree this year. The only glitch in this equation was funding, which I couldn't vouch for. This left me turning to the parentals (parents) for financial aid but just to get started then the rest would come solely out of my pocket.

Lets just say they weren't that keen because they had a negative perception, and the only person I could turn for financial aid was my sister and my boyfriend.

And guess what, I did it. I managed to get my folks off my back, after months of arguing battles with them, I told them I am going to do this by myself which I am currently doing.

My advice to people who can relate or is in a similar boat, being governed and controlled by your folks for financial aid, well I can tell you there is hope. You just have to trust and believe you can stand on your own two feet, and rest will follow on its own. Most of my schooling and varsity years, I was independent, I had a part time job and I could cloth and purchase my necessities, without having to beg my parents for a penny. It felt great, but when you have a slump and things don't turn out that well, Always trust and be positive of where it is you want to be in life, and your mindset will start paving the way for your future endeavours.

Love and leave you.. have an awesome weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Mish, I know of quiet a few people who have had to pay for their tuition fees and I respect them a lot for being able to do that. I don't think that I would have been able to cope with a part time job and tech though.
