Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Withdrawal Symptoms…of L

I guess we’ve all experienced withdrawal symptoms of some sort like: not smoking for weeks your body begins to crave the nicotine, or smoking weed, and you become moody and crabby because this substance that was once there to satisfy a need has been taken away without any substitution.

Where am I going with this… well, have you ever had withdrawal symptoms of love. One moment you’re in this whirlpool of scattered love and affection, and the next absolute silence and starvation from it. It’s like you won the lottery, but you then lose your ticket and you can’t believe that it’s gone…arrrrrr :(

So my question is how does one substitute an overwhelming feeling of butterflies zooming in your tummy, endless laughing and smiling, and endless sharing and caring, touching, smooching and hugging, absorbing and exchanging each others fragrant scents and bodily heat?… shhhu that’s was a mouthful.

The first day without it is like a cringe that won’t leave your stomach, because what was once tummy butterflies, is now an empty stomach that waiting to be fed. And the missing part.. OMG the missing has to be the cherry on top. Knowing that person is there, but saddening knowing you cannot have any access or contact with this person until further notice.

How have I dealt with it? Well, I’m writing down my thoughts right now, what I would be saying to this person, and just allowing myself to feel what I’m feeling and feeling OK feeling what I’m feeling hahahaha if that makes any sense.

It’s weird and amazing how the heart grows fonder and yonder the longer the days, hour’s minutes, seconds go by… tick tock, hickery dock…lol. Honestly this is very hard for me because I’ve never met someone who would sacrifice time out just so that I can sort my life out. He’s special, a keeper indeed, but we’ll have to see if this keeper wants to keep me… (Crossing my fingers)

Oh well, enough said, hope I have enlightened and eased those withdrawal symptoms a little bit.

Until next time… Chow Bella!

Xoxo… Mish.Dish :)

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