Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How does one Infuse a BIG IDEA into something small?

Lots have been going through my head since 2011 has landed… things that make me tick in the dark, gives me restless nights and won’t leave me alone, and these are my ideas rolling all over my head. Ideas come to mind, big gigantic mind popping ideas… and then I get stuck. WHY? Because in life they say one has to start out small ventures and move and grow into much bigger ventures. BUT… how do you think small when the big totally overpowers your thinking, so much that if you do something small, you feel dissatisfied and well I tend to disagree. Like, what to I do with a big idea in my head that could set out atomic raptures of excitement and delight and blow away people purely because of a brilliantly thought out idea that rippled off into a big one.

The question still pends in my head as what should I do? Do I think small for now and then think big later… or think big IDEA and become big? Yes, I know there are so many risks involved in starting up something new, but is that why life was bestowed unto us…? To live fully whole heartedly, take risks, hence dream and think BIG!

Or may be if I knew some genius who could take the Big Idea and stall it until I am ready to utilize it effectively…I think that could work?

My mind is like a galaxy of stars whereby each star represents an idea or a pathway of my life. And with that I try to integrate a lifestyle that will suit me magnificently…lol

Bottom line: I have an Idea, and I need people to believe in my idea and that it could actually work and together we both enter a new sphere of being great, adding new meaning to our lives and especially others. I do believe that if you are able to think big enough to accommodate the bigger picture, everything else will follow… that’s if you have belief streaming through your veins…grrrrrrrrrrrr… you feel me?

Well, with further or do, let me get cracking with ideas and hope it leads me to a bigger and better sphere of life.

Much Luv

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