Thursday, February 16, 2012

Fantasy or Reality - How does this work?

There comes a time in our lives where we are faced with decisions that revolve around the fantasy and reality of finding love and happiness. We live, we breath and we thrive on the notion that if this (finding the one and true happiness) is possible in anyway, we would commit ourselves to making this dream/fantasy become are reality - Question is - How do you know if it was all just a fantasy, or a reality when it comes to meeting that 'special' someone? This is what I think...

Fantasy - It is something you never in your mind could have imagined to happen - and it happens. Meeting that 'special' someone and knowing that this person might be from another country, in your head the feeling is so surreal that one feels that this could really work out! That immense uncontrollably happy feeling when you see this someone until you say goodbye. How much do you bet that this encounter will turn out to only be a fantasy... I'm not sure myself.

Reality - Then eventually when they say their final goodbyes, knowing that you might never see them again, yet there's that ' Hope' that stems from within hoping that this would work out... But then reality comes along and kicks your sexy ass and you realise that this is all just a fantasy and that its never going to become a reality?

Words are all said in just, but only actions truly speak out loud. Therefore its one thing to say I'm coming over and another to actually doing it!

Many of us live in the hole of fear of getting hurt and forget to live a little. Its just sometimes things pan out too good to be true that when one reaches the crossroads of fantasy and reality - what do you choose?

In my reality - Where I want to be and the person I want to be with lives a gazillion miles away. I could go but that would only entitle me to go for one week and the cost is basically the only thing that stands in my pathway right now. If I do go - I'll be flat broke when I come back - so in other words do I go for that 'special someone' or do I go because I want to go? Its a bit of both actually, but I don't know how he feels at this stage and for me to just book a ticket, get a visa and chuck over is a whole different ball game in one! As much as you want this to work, it has to come from both sides in my opinion.

So what now - I'm going to wait and be patient - I believe that all answers comes to those who wait... well I'm hoping soon though... lol

Until Next Time

Ciao Bella


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