Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 - Blossom from within.. :)

A brand new year has dawned upon us... moreover the year that means the end to many... the big 2012!!! Lets not think too much about this mythological fact and allow 2012 to open up new avenues of ventures and a fourth coming future.

Reflection upon 2011.. Its was a tough year for many of us in terms of relationships, working partnerships, changing jobs, seeking stability, figuring out your life path and where to from here, but most importantly figuring out you as the individual and that what you feel inside and project outwardly, which (depending on the signals you put out to the universe) almost instantaneously pops right back onto lap - so its either happiness, or unhappiness.

Many people have said to have had a crappy festive and have lost loved ones, yes it tough and hard, but you are much stronger than you sometimes realise. It all boils down to that inner self seeking healing, but not always able to decipher the right path for oneself. And yes its the most damn freaking frustrating full-time job figuring that one out... but hey that's why we are here on earth - to figure it all out!

Some words of wisdom... project what the self really wants to project and not what other influences allow the self to project. If its anything positive - project it immediately - it shouldn't be false or forced, just needs to come naturally. If its anything negative - spit it out and far away from your aura and your personal space through deep breathing through the nose and outwardly exhale through the mouth. Do it until you feel a bit lighter and the tension or any frustration has been released from your body.

This is your life, so live it lightly and happily - and you don't have to tell people you are happy, they just automatically pick up on those sunny happy vibes and glowing energies that surround you!

It's your year to shine and blossom into a brand new beautiful flower...

Have a super awesome 2012 and never have high expectations - just go with it and you'll be surprised how no expectation meets the expectation of the self.

Ciao Bella :)


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