Sunday, October 31, 2010

Have you figured out the second head fake?

Many sports played in and around the world use the terminology ‘second head fake’. To my knowledge and understanding, it is a stunt that is performed when you try and blind side your opponent or defender, thinking you are playing to your left, but instead to play to the right, meaning you second head faked your opponent.

The same applies to work and life. Some people in life go through the motions, from getting proper schooling and education, to getting a job and moving your way up the ladder slowly but surely until you reach the top. Then there are the people who second head fake others by finding a quicker and simpler way of making it to the top; some are truthful and some a sly.

The truthful ones are simply people who have that nick, passion and are go getter's, grabs any and every opportunity that is set before them. Then you get the sly knickers who go the darker route of making money, but you do never hear from them, but when they eventually decide to appear, they come out is dashing and smashing cars, live on massive estates that are cornered off with cameras, electric fencing and security guards. These people are able to second head fake the next individual, blind side government, the police and everything that is blinded with the law; until they get caught out.

One could also define second head fake as people who are just being two-faced! They say the one, but to the complete opposite.

In conclusion, one should always be aware that people in the world aren’t always who you think they are, therefore you should always have a clear mind before you put your trust in someone... they might just turn out not to be who you thought they are.
I hope you enjoyed my read!

Until next time... Chow Bella 

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