Sunday, November 7, 2010


Friday Gone Wrong…

This is probably the most embarrassing/ k*k funny/ korkiest day I’ve had in the 11months of 2010… I’m telling so NOT AYOBA!

Where to start… okay so recently our VINTAGE TOYOTA CAMRY undergone a major service, after it was replaced by my dad’s Audi… poor Camry. This means before Audi, Camry was our finest most precious possession. Then suddenly, after its ten year anniversary, MY FAMILY… yes ok, that includes me, started neglecting poor Camry – didn’t wash her, fix her or service her.

Then one day Camry just gave in from all the neglect and went POOOFFF!!!! Then dad got Audi, which meant even less attention was given to her and my dad just dumped poor old Camry in our forest of a yard, and got attention only on a YOU MUST WAIT FIRST, THEN SERVICE basis.

Eventually, Camry was fixed this month( November – 3 months later… scandal I tell you), but not fully recovered , mechanics warned that we drive Camry with caution as anything might happen if we drove her too hard too soon.

Then today arrived… FRIDAY, 5 –GUY-FAWKES DAY, and me moms asks me to buy a few items at 4Square in Kuils River (Most people who live in Kuils River knows 4Square). Off I drove Camry for the first time since her last appearance in our forest of a yard.

Camry Safely arrived at 4 Square, brought the goodies, came back to car, getting ready to start and move. But on this Friday, Camry decides not to start; I tried the 5 way trick in which to start the Camry but nothing happened. I then called home, and only other option now was to trot home.

Now firstly, one must note that I love walking and when I’m not stressed or drove in a car to a place, hence 4Square; I would walk home… but this wasn’t the case.

Cut to chase, I stalled a bit, hoping the busy corner (4Square) would subside and people would leave and then it wouldn’t seem that obvious of what had actually happened…but the more I stalled, the more people were pulling up.. ooooh so not AYOBA!

Eventually, I had to face my fears, climbed out of the car with my packet, while people were standing around the car and shop because it’s month end Friday and GuyFawx day – to put the cherry top, and started walking. And as I slowly begin walking away from Camry all the people turned heads and looked at me as If I was this really vesinne (dorkie) girl who is walking.. but where to was the question (If only they knew).

And just as I thought I exited swiftly from the embarrassment scene, one guy shouts ‘ where you walking if you came in a car’, just to ensure my sanity was still in place… lol – I replied and said ‘ag don’t worry about it, its too funny to explain’, and off I walked.


Hope I put a smile on your dial :)

Have an Awesome Weekend!

The Cat In The Hat

The Cat in the Hat Book tells the tale of two children who end up being bored one rainy day while there mom is away. Suddenly a Cat in a Hat pays them a visit and gives them a ball of a time, by doing fun, crazy things. Soon the Cat in the Hat takes the fun too far and the children want him to leave because he has turned their home into a complete mess and this mess has to get cleaned before their mom arrives back home.

Written by Dr Suess, one wouldn’t expect anything less crazy than this book. I enjoyed the book, moreover the movie as it is always entertaining watching something you’ve just read, and seeing the characters come to life makes the movie so much more entertaining in my opinion.

My favourite part of the movie is when Sally, played by Dakota Fanning orders the cat to clean up the mess immediately, considering that she is the control freak character lol.

I find the book and the movie very delightful, funny and crazy and I would recommend it to any mothers or a father who is looking to lock their children to the TV screens, just so that they can finish supper… Cat in the Hat will keep them glued to their screens.

Until Next Time… Chow Bella :)

Swept off my Feet!

Have you ever had a day where everything didn’t go completely your way then out of the blue something so random happens to you that you’ll never forget?... Well it happened to me lately.

It was a normal day at tech, but I was expected at home to help at home as it was my brother’s matric ball, so it was quite a crazy day. Initially my brother was to fetch me at the station, but this time around he couldn’t fetch him. I was very upset because it takes me at least 20-30mins to walk from the station and taken the day I had, I really didn’t have the energy to walk.

As I’m walking I notice a black BMW M3 pulling up in a drive way but looking very lost and I think to myself: “ooh please don’t ask me now for directions because I really don’t have the energy, and I don’t look presentable”. Nevertheless the slower I walked just not to meet the car the longer it stalled. Finally I walked closer and the man in the car asks if he tells me he’s lost and how beautiful I am in one breath… makes one wonder if or whether the poor chap was really lost? Then I explained to him how to get out of Kuils River, then as he’s about to leave he asks for my number but I said no, then he asks me can I just give him anything whereby he could make contact… after much deliberation, I finally gave him my email address.

Then as he drives away, and after being spoilt with compliments, he lit my up my angry day and converted it into a beautiful happy day… hhahahah.

I was so chuffed, stoked up by him, he just swept me off my feet, but knowing men, nothing would have come of it (even though he did make contact with me via email). It felt like I was dreaming and for split second I could see myself living the lavish lifestyle and being completely happy, until reality made me realize that one shouldn’t thrive on other peoples wealth in order to make it big one day, you should get their on your own and be proud of that achievement, that way you won’t take anything, or anyone for granted.

Moral of my tale… there’s nothing wrong with being swept off you feet once in a while, but allow yourself base your final partner decision on being in love with the person for who they are, and not what they own or what their pay check delivers on an annual basis.

Hope you enjoyed this piece…
Until next time… Chow Chow!


When you begin your final year of your studies, you don’t quite realize at first that after this year, you have to face reality and move into the industry and find a job.

The year 2010 I mark as the year of possibilities, changes, and big achievements. It was a tough, hard but worthwhile sticking it out until the final stretch of one’s career. There were many times when I was brought to a crossroads and had to battle with myself wondering if I made the right choice in studying this year… do I have any regrets… none what so ever.

In fact this was my best year thus far in terms of achievements and sticking my head in everywhere just to get a substantial amount of experience behind my name.

Then came the last lecture, the most unexpected day of your life. A day where you lecturer announces in a ‘by the way’ style – ‘oh and class, this will be you final lecture for the year and the rest of your life, should you decide not to pursue your masters next year.’ At first you think she was bluffing, and then slowly it sunk in… this is the end of the road for us and it came so soon.

The next thing you know you, you are in a manic display of where to, what to from here on out. It’s like you begin to experience this inner panic attack, not sure how to or if you are really ready for the industry. It’s the scariest feeling you could be feeling, but at the same time very exciting, electrifying, sad and one does not know what to possibly do with all these emotions all at one time.

Then finally, you have to make peace with the fact that all good things must come to an end in order to allow new adventures and experiences to spring from it.

PS: I found this year to very educational and uplifting in every sense possible, and everything of the best to the Public Relations Management B-tech Full/ Part time class of 2010, may be only the best we can be in whatever it is we are best at!

Until Next Time… Chow Bella 

First Walk up Lions Head!

About two months ago, four of my friends and I from my University decided to trek up Lions Head. The significance of my story is quite remarkable as everything that could’ve gone wrong went wrong on this day.

It was a perfect day in Cape Town, and I was the initiator of this hike, meaning I was suppose be there before everyone else arrives... this however was not the case.

The night before my hike, my boyfriend had broken up with me, so the next day I was quite fuzzed and not in the mood for anything, but I made a commitment and I was not going to disappoint. Most of the crew of friends that were suppose to join us also bailed out on the last minute which was not cool, but nonetheless the ones who really wanted to go pitched.

The same morning I had to fetch money for work I did, so a group of friends and I drove through all the way to Stellenbosch only, only to realise that the person who was suppose to pay us, didn’t rock up. Therefore everyone was upset, including myself and my Ex Boyfriend who took us through. Then on the way back an argument breaks out and it turned out so badly, that my hopes for hiking had plummeted. Then my one friend called and this made me realise that I have a commitment and that I should follow through.

This day felt never ending, and it was almost as if fate or the forces were dangling and throwing me around, just to see how tough I was emotionally and physically for this day.

I didn’t give up, even though my train was running 1 hour late, I didn’t get paid, had no food, didn’t have Boyfriend no more, and was just having one of those days where everything just wasn’t going my way.

Finally, when I reached Cape Town, it felt as if a heavy weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

There was still a mountain awaiting me, but when I started climbing I was more determined and motivated than ever. And the best part of it all was that my true friends waited for me and didn’t leave me in the lurch, which add on to making this day even more awesome.

When we reached the top of Lions Head I felt so empowered that I was ready to take on the world and not look back. It’s that priceless feeling of achieving something you really wanted that bad. This opened my eyes and made me see that if you really want something so bad, you can and will achieve it if you keep on moving forward and not look backwards.

Hope I could inspire someone today.

Until next Time... Chow Bella!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Nothing like a Cape Coloured Accent...

If you were born in Cape Town, and resemble a caramel to dark brown skinned, but have a mixture of white and black family decent, and know what the term “Awe” means, you are definitely a Cape Coloured.

Today I was pondering the thought of being a Cape Coloured and what makes us super unique from the rest of coloureds in South Africa... conclusion.. it has to be our accented English. I can’t describe it other than to say that we lay emphasis on letters like B,R,A,J,M in words used such as ‘my BRRUUU’ or ‘NNNai man’ and the letter ‘A’ in “JAARRE” and lastly ‘M’ for “ Jo MMMM...SE”(you can fill in the rest).

The funny and strange part is that you can’t get that coloured accent out of coloured person, because of how distinct and discreet our accent is. It’s like we have this Flat English. We all use the same phrases like ‘you know man’ or ‘ya ne’ or ‘yor that’s kwaai man’... lol.

Most of coloured’s always try to deny where they came from, hence there upbringing and claim they were “RAR RAR” , a term used for a white English accent. Most White English speaking people roll the RRR which comes off very smoothly and well rounded, whereas the coloured English people would accentuate the RRRR and make it sound bold.

Since I’ve met many foreign students, they all agreed that there’s nothing like a coloured English accent from Cape Town. I told them that’s what makes us so unique, which it true.

So, instead of running away from your coloured roots, you might as well embrace it. I’m not saying you should go out and speak all gangsters on your work colleagues and managers, but when you speak, speak in the accent you know best, the Cape Coloured Accent... Now that’s Ayobaness!

Hope I humoured the Coloured people, and the rest of from Cape Town people today!

Until Next Time... Chow Bela! 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

PR students... Need to voice their Opinions!

Since the start of the New Year (2010), and since I’ve taken it upon myself to complete my fourth year – B-tech degree in Public Relations Management ,I’ve realised that people who study PR in general just love to complain, but don't have the balls to do something about it.

It becomes this contagious disease that seems to rub off on all the students. There isn’t one incident I can think of where a 1st, 2nd, 3rd year and B-tech students do not complain about anything. From a outside business perspective, I felt at times like what they were complaining about was irrelevant or just plain simply unnecessary.

Yes, there have been times we have spoken up regarding serious matters, but in most cases, I feel that the students are just petty in general.

I sometimes think that complaining has consumed PR students and they don’t know of anything better to do than complain. I admit, yes I complain too, but when I think about what I complained, it’s things that I've addressed so that it can be solved, but we live in so much fear of lecturers that the next best thing to do is just to complain amongst ourselves.

On the flipside, with the magnitude of PR students, we have a much bigger voice to stand up to, hence face out fears, but due to discrepancies within classes, everyone is just in it for themselves.

End of the day, be aware of the surroundings you find yourself in, and try not to be influenced by what people tell you. At the end of the day, you have the choice to become a part of negative or positive network that influences your thought of thinking.

Until next time... Chow Bella :)

Interviews... Never know what to expect?

Everytime that word springs into my head, I surround myself with fear and nerves... why is that? I think its the way our minds are shaped around the work interview.
Imagine if you sculpt your view of an interview into anything other than an interview... what would it be? I would make an interview about the things I enjoy most.

If an interview was a party how would you prepare yourself? You would make sure you wearing your best outfit, and your shiny red heels, hair must be clean and looking fabulous, but most importantly you want people to notice you. You enjoy the social hub of gathering with your friends and meeting new people. If this was the case, would you still be that afraid of going to the interview?

Its amazing and scary at the same time how our culture, society and the media sometimes pollutes our minds in making us fear things, when actually it is a platform of engaging, talking, discussing views and opinions of the way forward for you as an individual, and for the company you would be working for.

Right now, I’m trying to work through my fear for an interview, hoping I could see it as an hour of engaging with another person, and sharing my knowledge and views of life and the way forward for their company; instead of fearing you would be judged because of your colour, social background and many other things that creep up into your head.

The only true advice I can give someone is to truly put Fourth your dreams and views, and link it to the company, thereby allowing your skills to be recognised, and allowing the business to either use, or further improve your skills.
I hope I helped UN-nerve you for your next interview.

Best of luck!

Until next time... chow bella!

Filings are so artificial!

This year was the first year that I had to have fillings done to my teeth, but never in my years could I have imagined how fake and artificial my teeth feel now. It feels like they used cement to fill my tooth... horrible. Since my first filling, I cannot eat the same anymore, it feels artificial and I just want my teeth without the fillings in them.

When I bit on my teeth, it feels rough, instead of smooth, and my teeth have become extremely sensitive. I can’t even bit into a piece of sausage without me teeth feeling sensitivity. If they had warned me before hand, then I would at least have gotten a nice tangy and chewy meal, knowing that it wouldn’t feel the same next time I much into something chewy.

This is so saddening :(! I want this cement out of my teeth; it feels fake and not natural. My dentist never advised that my teeth would become sensitive... may I sue her?

Eating will never be the same again. I have a very healthy appetite, now I might as well eat like a model... once or never a day! And here I thought by having your teeth filled, would allow me to enjoy my food even more, instead the complete opposite effect. This depresses me because I love my food.

If you have any views about teeth fillings... please voice your opinion. It will be greatly appreciated.


Until Next time... Chow bela :(

Why do people get married?

I think marriage is totally overrated especially the part of when you should be settling down at a certain age. Society and the media play a huge role when involves influencing what we perceive as the right ingredient for getting married.

NEWS –FLASH... Marriage is a personal decision and when you do decide to get married, be it at the age of 18 or 50, it’s your decision and people shouldn’t judge you upon your age.

I do believe that when you do decide to tie the knot, not to sell yourself lesser as a person thereby getting married because you and your partner are having a baby or because according to your religion and beliefs, you have to get married or else...

We all have different perceptions and expectations of what we define as a good marriage; just make sure you and your partner are on the same page when this happens.
Life is about meeting new people, falling in love, falling out of love, figuring out where you fit into the whole equation, and getting married should be the last factor that ties you down, and not allowing yourself to live your life to the fullest. This might work for many people, but from observing couples in and around my social setting, I've realised people will settle down too quickly.

I can manifest and have encompassed partners who got married not because love, but out of obligation for their new born child, or just to get out of the house, but little did they know that their decisions would catch up with them eventually, hence these partners are going through a rough patches now, because they were not ready as individuals to be with each other. Yes, you can love someone, but sometimes it takes more than just love to pull a couple through its difficult times.

In my opinion, marriage should be an easy process, not difficult or hard to adjust to, or else you aren’t ready to settle down. I would advise people to get to know themselves firstly, and from their built on a relationship and then a marriage. Try to ensure that the freedom and space you allowed each other before you got married is still there, or else that could end up being the one factor that will tear you two apart. In most cases that have been observed, people think it should just be the two of them.

Yes, most of your time should be just the two of you, but remember that every being is different and because we are different, we have different needs which don’t always mesh with your needs, hence why we need to give one another space, space in which to regroup and stay tuned and true to yourself.

Hope I could inspire you.

Until Next Time... Chow Bela :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Live a little...

Sometimes in life, we have the tendency to live past each other, but moreover we forget to embrace our surroundings. I have taken the liberty to take time apart from my homely surrounding to stay with my friend for a few days due to study constraints. What I thought at first would be a good experience just to get away, turned out to be much better than my initial expectations.

My friend stays in Walmer Estate in Cape Town, which has the most awesome lookout of the mother city. If I have to compare my area (Kuils River) to Walmer Estate, I’d have to say that Walmer Estate has captured my soul by allowing me to be free, rethink my living standards and allows me to just be me.

I was taken out of my comfort zone because at home, I had the pleasures of having lunch being packed in for me every day, a domestic lady who cleaned my room, does my washing and a mother who cooks a meal every night. This change has forced me to change my ways. Now I wash my cloths, cook sometimes, clean up and have to prepare my own lunch. Do I enjoy it? Not really but I in terms of my privacy and all the freedom I have apart from living at home, I feel like I’ve been set free from a cage.

It has also allowed me to look at my life from a different perspective, including my relationship, and I realised that I needed this break to figure out what I really needed and wanted out of my relationship.

What I’m trying to say is that even though we have hectic business lives, we should always take time out and revisit our soul surroundings, feed our soul, but most importantly, listen to that inner soul. We never realise how our busy lifestyles and society gives us no platform of balance, and that is where you as the individual needs to step in, draw retrospect and change those social settings.

I leave you with this quote by Anna Eleanor Roosevlt: "The purpose of life is to live it, to taste, experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences."

Until Next time... chow Bela :0