Monday, September 27, 2010

The 10 most unexpected consequences of being online

1. Forgetting to log out and allowing others to view your personal information
2. Missing an important appointment because you are so hooked onto social networking
3. Forgetting to switch off the stove and ending up burning your food.
4. Forgetting to log out of your Internet banking account and allowing others to take money from your account.
5. Not realising that everything you post onto the net, is flying around in cyber space waiting to be hacked in and use that certain piece of information against you!
6. Accidentally chatting to someone you don’t even know!
7. Trying to multitask and you end up emailing your boyfriend but it was intended for your friends eyes only!
8. Gossiping to a friend and accidentally sending it to the person you’re gossiping about?
9. Forgetting you’re online and discovering that people actually went onto you facebook and gmail only to sneak and find out what I was up to?
10. Winning the lottery but actually they only want your banking details so that they can take the money in your account and leave you broke.

These are a few consequences I was faced with once upon a time, or it happened to my friends and made me realise that you have to be clued up when you’re on the Internet. People have ways and means of hacking and retrieving information from your personal accounts without you even being aware of it. Its best to log out of all your sites properly, before rushing off. In the end it will be beneficial to you.

Until next time... Chow Bela :)

1 comment:

  1. You certainly have managed to come up with original consequences, some things one would not think of but once you read them you realize that , yes that might have happened to someone I know.
