Monday, February 15, 2010


It's starting to make more and more sense why there are people on this earth who are moving and learning at an immense speed purely because of their insight, beliefs, knowledge and the amount of positive energy they let out and receive simultaneously. Have you ever thought what is it you were meant to finish on this earth.. your purpose in life? I think what I've realized this morning is that success, your success in life is not primarily distinguished or established by the amount of paper you gather over the years at university, unless you feel the way forward is a good education foundation that comes with added benefits like qualification papers.

In my opinion, I disagree. I've just realized how everything and anything it is we do comes from our influences on earth. Be it at home, social environment, government, their is a constant pattern of some control, people who control our thinking methods, ways we think the way forward is may clash with our belief system or just primarily what is considered right and wrong in this world. Have you ever thought that all the studying you are doing, if it's really worth it, what are you perceived thoughts when a achieving your piece of paper like diploma, degree honours, the list continues.

My thought has taken a rude awakening shift. I believe we should not be bound to get a proper education via x and y in order to make a success in your life. i believe its what you put out to the universe and instantaneously, you will get back what you put out. A simply example, your way of thinking. Ever thought who was the brain behind inventing education, a system of governancy, a law that you must abide to, attending a certain church or practising a certain belief because this is what you were taught to do?

If you feel dissatisfied or unhappy in a institution, because deep down you believe and know their has to be another way to do what you are passionate about, but because society places you in this vicious cycle that according to this act and according to so and so and so, if you follow A B and C, you will get to D E and F?

I think now that modern technology has enlightened us with the Internet, the possibilities are endless, but due to the system, the rule, the by laws, you are merely forced into a certain direction by means of your thinking and energies. I feel like we've been hypnotised by society, and we need to wake up and realize that a the world we are living in comes with endless possibilities, and that only as a unit, as one being we can concur and finish what we were suppose to do on this earth.

If you haven't seen AVATAR, please go see that movie. It opened my eyes and as I live my life I am seeing the possibilities, all you need is to believe its possible and move forward from their.

I have two friends and they are brothers and because they chose to think differently, a radical change has come upon their lives and they have taken that leap and they are changing their lives.. why? Simple, they've found a means to work or around the system to get to where they are today in a span of two years. If they can do it, so can I, you, anyone and everyone. It's just about taking that first leap and never looking back!!!

Like Michael Jackson said.. "We are the World, we are the Future"

xoxo Mish.Dish


  1. Pretty fuzzy! What's your point? Human being are selfish and mean? We should live our life according to what we think it's right and not what someone else tell us to. It's the same with parents who want their offprings to resemble them even though it is not the path they want to take.Listen to your heart!

  2. Well firstly, I don't believe that there are people who control our thinking patterns. We always have a choice when it comes to believing what we are told, one needs to question what they are told and not just go on and follow like a sheep. I was actually thinking of seeing Avatar tomorrow; I will possibly give you feedback if I do watch it. All in all you are saying that our possibilities are endless right?Thanks for the motivation girl...
